Greetings All,
We are Marka & Jamesha Manning. We are the curators of Memories With The Mannings. We are the new kids on the block in the travel industry, however, we have plenty of experience in affordable luxury travel.
We are both from Nashville, TN and surprisingly we were both raised on the same side of town (East Nashville) where me met one another & started our life-long journey together.
In 2014, we booked our first international trip via cruise, and stayed in Freeport, Bahamas. This was our first trip out of the country and we were both inexperienced travelers. On this trip, we stepped out of our comfort zone and did excursions such as a sunset cruise and parasailing. This showed us that we really enjoyed the thrill of adventure, interacting & meeting new people, and the freedom of exploring.
Shortly after in 2016, we decided to get married and have a destination wedding in Clearwater, FL. We had both sides of our family come to Florida for the wedding and we saw how amazed some of our family was because they’ve never been outside of Tennessee or seen the beach before. We soon grew eager to show others how to travel the world.
Memories With the Mannings was created to inform, inspire, and empower individuals to see the world through all forms of travel. Our purpose is to show that regardless of background, safety concerns, and financial reasons you can still explore this beautiful world and create Magical, Meaningful, Memories.